COVID-19, Our Response
In a time of great uncertainty, we felt it of the utmost importance to discuss the potential socioeconomic impact of the ongoing pandemic that faces the world. While we have no facts, dates or specific plans for the end of this current period of uncertainty we, as an organisation, do have thoughts.
Scouting is a family with over 31 million members worldwide, with over 350,000 of them here in Great Britain. England is the spiritual home of Scouting, which was founded by Robert Baden Powell in 1908. Over the years Scouting has moved with the times, but the key values have always remained the same; a Scout is to be trusted, a Scout is loyal, a Scout is friendly and considerate, a Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts, a Scout has courage in all difficulties, a Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property, and a Scout has self-respect and respect for others. It’s these core values that make a Scout, and now, more than ever, we hope that our members are embodying these values. Respect, friendliness and consideration. Remember to think of those closest to you, those with whom you have been locked down. Have you shown them your Scout values? Have you gone above and beyond to make someone else’s day in lockdown a little brighter? We are sure you have! We know that everything is stuck in limbo but there is always something to be done: helping around the house, helping your parents cook dinner, or even walking the family dog. We look to our older members and ask, are you supporting your families? Are you showing courage?
Finally, it’s to the Scouting Family value that we need to look toward. Never has the Scout Association taken such a knock, but our group is not alone. Throughout two great wars and the Great Depression Scouting continued, largely unchanged. Meetings still took place; people still came together to do something. Please do not get us wrong, we are not for a second doubting the decision to close avenues of non-essential contact. In fact, we feel the opposite, that it had to happen. But it will have left a mark. Over the past two months we have been forced apart.
Divided, if you will. And in the coming days, weeks, or months we will reunite. We may not have been together, in person, but we have never been apart in values, in what we stand for. As soon as is practical, we will start the slow and steady process of rebuilding, trying to put things back together. This may be a long road, but slowly we will get there. If any of you have passed our hut, you many have noticed a quotation below our fetching rainbow. It reads; “Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were.” And this has never been more true. As one family, we will unite, stronger than ever before.
While we can not confirm exact plans, dates, or times, please know that it is in the works. Discussions are happening. We have two priorities and as always, the first is the health, safety, and well being of all of our members, adults and young people alike. This has always and will always be our first priority. But a remarkably close second priority is to reunite this parted family and to play our part in rebuilding the community and country left scarred by this devastating ordeal.
Thank you for your continued support.